Thursday, September 30, 2010

1st workshop - experimental modelling - assignment 3

For our final to ask we had to draw on our experiences throughout the workshop to create a poster and model that incoporated ideas that had been covered during the workshop, and using balsa wood as a material.

i decided to create a 3D poster based on Sydney's skyline as a background. Firstly a had a black and white image of the skyline. Then using the same image but a slightly darker version, I cute th eposter into strips along edges generated by buildings. I then stuck teh strips slightly juxtaposed off each other to discuss the ideas of "folds" further and howfolds in architecture could be seen as the edges created by facades of buildings.

I then created a second layer using the same image but this time using colour, and selecting certain buildings and folding the image so that it became 3D which i then would stick over the back and white images.

Finally the last layer I created using balsa wood. i used panels of the wood to reflect the surfaces of the buildings, and joined the panels using different joining techniques to discuss the ideas of 'folds' further. I then experimented with different techniques of treating balsa on the panels itself.

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